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Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze
Company Spółka Agrarna AR
Company Spółka Agrarna Plon
Provider of fresh, unwashed greens, lettuces and lettuce mixes, both internally manufactured and purchased from external providers.
Provider of vegetables for Green Factory
Production of fresh, washed, pre-cut and pre-packaged vegetables, lettuces and ready-made meals
Cold-chain logistics, domestic and international transport services for Green Holding and external customers
Shared Services Centre for the Holding and its companies
Green Holding Sp. z o.o. is the parent entity of Green Holding, which includes
5 Polish subsidiary companies:
Grupa Producentów Warzyw Primavega Sp. z o.o.,
Smart Vegetables Innovations Sp. z o.o. (SVI), Green Factory Sp. z o.o.,
GFL Sp. z o.o. and Green Business Centre Sp. z o.o.
Green Factory also has 3 international companies: Green Factory UA LLC (Ukraine),
UAB Green Factory Baltic (Lithuania) and Green Factory Hungary Kft. (Hungary).
Our crops are cultivated by 3 companies: Gospodarstwo Ogrodnicze Artur Rytel;
Spółka Agrarna AR Sp. z o.o.; Spółka Agrarna Plon Sp. z o.o.